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- Download Windows Live Writer - Scott Hanselman's Blog 



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  Here you can find Windows Live Essentials Suite, download is completely free. Windows Live Essentials is a collection of free software from Microsoft. Still in beta,the best software for network and system troubleshoot ever made and free, I can't say how much I love this tool Except I needed. Find and download Windows Live Mail If you've been using Windows Live Mail, you might want to give the Windows Mail app a try. If you sign in to your PC with.  

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In fact, I was considering moving to a different blogging engine FunnelWebBlog specifically and the only thing that prevented me from doing that was the fact that FunnelWebBlog doesn't yet support WLW. I love WLW. I feel the same way that I will keep using it as I haven't found anything better on the Windows Platform. I know they have tried to get Word to be that replacement, but it just isn't there.

I really hope they don't let this just die. Adam S. Fully agreed! I noticed this mess too - I even happened to install some outdated version which does not update itself from Microsoft servers because of this mess. Apart from that: LiveWriter is awesome! Wolfgang Ziegler. I'm sure it'll get canned because that's what companies do with good tools. I'm liking this tool. Seems to play well with my personal Wordpress install, and I see it supports a few other major platforms, as well.

I think this tool redeems Microsoft for the horrible-ness that was Front Page. Very cool! George W. Greg Duncan. I love this tool because it run local without an Internet connection. Mario Cardinal.

How does the version and the current version of PreCode play together? Calvin Allen. August 07, Microsoft does lots of great tools It is like Microsoft Message Analyzer. Still in beta,the best software for network and system troubleshoot ever made and free, I can't say how much I love this tool Except I needed the team to tell me how to download it in a comment of one of their blog post.

By the way on duckduckgo, windows live writer appear first ;. Nicolas D. Get Live. Caleb Jenkins. Really Windows Live Writer is the best. I think that it's the best part of Windows Live environment. After several years with my blog, I have never seen something better than Windows Live Writer. Sometimes I use the Word's blog template to create new posts Windows Live Writer is really awesome. And another great point about Windows Live Writer: the opportunity to add plug-ins.

I really enjoy Windows Live Writer. Fernando Henrique Ferreira. I too binged for it on google, and came up bare.. Live Writer is essential; I can't even recall the other blog tool that LW effectively replaced. I can't imagine this can't be a garage project for somebody, put it up on github or something. I enjoy using Live Writer for our blog posts.

I hope the team continues to support it and improve upon it. Kim Spilker. August 08, That's search engine creepiness for you. On the other hand, filehippo is a reliable source of files, until now, moreover it gives links to the software homepage. Agreed - great Blog Writer and I have to confess I had not installed it on my new X1 Carbon - so thanks for the link as I found the download from your blog!

August 09, Windows Live Writer rocks! I've been using it for several years now, still haven't found anything comparable. The thing freakin' rocks. I get the sense that MS has let Writer stagnate a bit and perhaps is even contemplating killing it. Judah Gabriel Himango. But what plugins would you recommend? I've tried a few code snippet ones and they never really worked for me.

I always had to rely on the official plugin that WordPress built into their system. Also, the Twitter plugin just recently decided to quit working. August 10, Love Windows Live Writer, but can we ditch the automatic theme creation post - the web is littered with this fake post that just seems not to get deleted automatically, Please :.

Serdar Kilic. Am using WLW always, as you said it is the best for the windows. I wrote a plug-in for it too, it seems that they are not updating the plug-in site anymore. I mailed two times with the updates but they never got published :. August 12, Keith Hill. If only we could get it open sourced on GitHub, it could have a glorious life for years to come :.

Daniel Cazzulino. August 19, Agung Prasetiawan. August 23, I pretty sure I wouldn't be the only happy to donate time on that. Anybody know somebody in the right MS team to suggest this? August 25, Andrew Coates. August 30, Is quite depressing that not even Microsoft can maintain a proper index of its products. They need to get a bunch of stuff in order to comeback onto the game. Is a sad thing for a company that has great ideas but very poor execution for most of its products.

Mail etc. Windows Live Mail is primarily an email client. It lets you compose, send and receive email messages. Emails are stored on your computer which means you can check them even without an Internet connection.

However, there is much more to this software. In addition to setting up multiple email accounts in Windows Live Mail , you can use it as a news client, a blogging tool and an RSS reader. Sending photographs taken from your digital camera is a breeze in this software because of the Photo email feature.

Microsoft has also increased the security features in the client by adding an automated junk email filter that scans all incoming messages to protect you from spam and phishing attacks. Microsoft urges all users of Outlook Express and Windows Mail to download Windows Live Mail and save time and increase their online productivity. The new email client, as mentioned before, has a lot to offer, looks stunning and is available as a downloadable file for both Vista and XP operating systems.

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